The most "unnecessary" questions about Dota 2.

Today we will talk about unnecessary questions for playing in Dota 2, but I think it will be interesting and informative. I think that many people asked about the mechanics of the game. Let's once again poudivlyaemsya and be puzzled today.

1. Ward against the hero with a melee attack. It's funny when a hero with a melee attack just walks up to the mountain and knocks down the wards on the highroad. Here on this gifke we see how Antimage conquers tops. Well, to date, de-wardening has become simpler, you can buy a quelling blade or you can use it in battlefury and then with one click you will achieve your goal of de-wiring.

dota 2 items
2. Ward against the hero with a ranged attack. Often, when a hero with a ranged attack attacks, we resort to the fact that we often miss * the wards that are on the high road. This leads the player into a rage, especially when it needs to be done very quickly. Therefore it is better to have a quelling blade with you. The gyphus shows how a hero with a ranged attack misses a hero who is on highground. Unfortunately, it did not happen to miss the wards.

* Also, the relief has a negative effect on the accuracy of the units - from the bottom, in fact, it's not very convenient to aim. So, during the attack, the unit being below and attacking the unit on the hill, may miss. The chance of an unsuccessful attack will be 25%.

3. Tower against Batraider. On this hypha I want to note that the hero who flies on a flying mouse can not get on a structure that is on the same level as the hero himself. Well, I thought that you can get around this dilemma by cunning …

And the trick is that when using Firefly (3 battry skills), we take off even higher. So we are almost above our structure. But then again we miss. Perhaps we will never be able to get into the structure that is below us. Yes, yes, Monkey king bar does not help either, it only works for enemy heroes, if that.


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